
Mission & History

Teach Them What They Need To Know For Life."
- St. Julie Billiart


Notre Dame Academy is a dynamic, independent, Catholic school for girls in grades 7-12 sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Welcoming girls of all faiths, the Academy provides transformational experiences that “teach them what they need to know for life.” Our graduates are confident women who are lifelong learners, spiritual seekers, and compassionate global citizens.

Vision and Core Values


We inspire young women to achieve their personal best in order to become forward thinkers and future leaders whose unique gifts will impact the world.


Integrity, Compassion, Conviction

Leadership, Tolerance, Justice

Excellence, Faith, Service

Notre Dame Academy's philosophy of education is built on the belief that education should prepare students for their roles as women in the world. We wish to provide our students with the opportunity to become more aware of what is happening in their lives and to assume responsibility for themselves and their community. In order to learn to make responsible choices, Notre Dame students have the freedom to learn in a school dedicated to high academic standards, and to involve themselves in the community, both utilizing its resources and serving its people.